Back in the Innovation Swing of Things!

What a great way to come up for a breath of innovation air after spending the past 18 months on a more traditional, large-scale transformation at a major insurance carrier. What exactly was this event? A multi-day session focused on Design Thinking, including a visit to the Stanford school itself!

You can expect another post shortly about the various learnings and relevance to BMI of design thinking. To be sure, there are some new tools that are going to be added to the toolkit!

And a few pictures from the trip (more to come):

A classic catalyst for new thinking…


… and if all else fails to expand the mental horizons, theĀ Stanford golf course stands ready to help =)


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Getting started

Given the very positive interest we have received with our new Business Model Innovation (BMI) offering, we have decided it was time to open a blog outlet focused on the topic and our experiences taking this thing to market. Stay tuned for regular updates and hopefully plenty of thought-provoking perspectives – most should be directly or indirectly related to BMI.

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